
Privacy policy

On the website:

Dear User!

In this document you will find the principles on which the processing of personal data is based when using our website. Please read them before you start using the website. This Privacy Policy complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Journal .U.UE.L.2016.119.1 of May 4, 2016), hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, as well as with the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1219 ).


1.1. ADMINISTRATOR – means the company BT Electronics sp. z o. o., with its registered office at ul. Rybitwy 22, 30-130 Kraków, registered in the National Court Register by the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000252492, share capital PLN 50,000.00, NIP: 676-20-72 -461, REGON: 351530720.
1.2. PERSONAL DATA – means all information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person using the Website (e.g. name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number or computer IP number).
1.3. PROCESSING – means an operation or a set of operations performed on Personal Data in an automated or non-automated manner, such as collecting, recording, organizing, organizing, storing, adapting or modifying, downloading, viewing, using, disclosing by sending, disseminating or otherwise making available, matching or combine, restrict, delete or destroy.
1.4. SERVICE – means a website that is owned by the Administrator and is located at:
1.5. GDPR – means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
1.6. CONSENT – means a voluntary, specific, conscious and unambiguous indication of will, by which the person to whom the Personal Data relates, in the form of a statement or a clear affirmative action, consents to the processing of Personal Data concerning him.


As the Administrator, we process your Personal Data for the purposes of:
2.1. Administration of the Website – for this purpose, we process your data to the extent necessary:
2.1.1. your device’s IP address;
2.1.2. server date and time;
2.1.3. your web browser (type and language);
2.1.4. your operating system;
2.1.5. Your screen resolution.
Due to the need to use this data for the existence and proper operation of the Website, the legal basis for this processing is art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f of the GDPR, according to which the Administrator may invoke his legitimate interest when processing data.

2.2. Making contact with the Administrator via the form placed on the Website – for this purpose, we process your Data to the extent necessary regarding:
2.2.1. first and last names;
2.2.2. e-mail address;
Your data will be processed only for the purpose of contacting you. The legal basis for this Processing is Art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f of the GDPR, according to which the Administrator may rely on his legitimate interest when Processing Data.

2.3. Analytical – for this purpose, we process your Data regarding:
2.3.1. Dates and times of your visits to the Website;
2.3.2. server date and time;
2.3.3. your web browser (type and language);
2.3.4. your operating system;
2.3.5. Your screen resolution;
2.3.6. The approximate location of your device;
2.3.7. Time spent on the Website;
2.3.8. Visited subpages, including subpages with contact forms.
The purpose of Processing this Data is to study the activity of people using the Website for the purposes of its development. The legal basis for the Processing of this Personal Data will be art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR, i.e. the legitimate interest of the Administrator.

2.4. Archival – for this purpose, we process your Data regarding:
2.4.1. first and last names;
2.4.2. e-mail address;
2.4.3. case number.

The legal basis for the processing of this data is the legally justified interest of the Administrator related to the need to document activities for the purposes of legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator. The basis for Processing art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR.

2.5. Use of Cookies – information on this subject can be found in the “Cookies Policy” available on the Website. The legal basis for Processing is art. 6 section 1 lit. a RODO, i.e. your voluntarily expressed Consent.


3.1. Your Personal Data will only be processed by us for some time – depending on the type of activity with which the Processing is connected and the purpose of the Processing. After this period, your Data will be permanently deleted.
3.2. The period of processing your Personal Data is:
3.2.1. In the case of data processing based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator – until you successfully raise an objection or achieve the purpose of processing, and after that time they may be processed for the period of limitation of any claims;
3.2.2. In the case of data processing for analytical and archival purposes, the use of Cookies or Website administration – until the data becomes useless or outdated, but not longer than for 3 years;
3.2.3. In the case of data processing on the basis of legal obligations incumbent on the Administrator – for the time specified in the specific provisions of Polish or EU law;


On the Website, we do not automatically collect unrelated personal data or process them in order to evaluate some of your personal factors, in particular to analyze or predict aspects regarding your personal preferences, interests, behavior or location (profiling).


5.1. The Website User has the right to:
5.1.1. Access to your personal data and receive a copy thereof;
5.1.2. Correcting your personal data when they are incorrect and to supplement them;
5.1.3. Request removal of your personal data (right to be forgotten);
5.1.4. Restrictions on the processing of your data;
5.1.5. Submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

5.2. If the processing of data takes place on the basis of your Consent, you have the right to request the transfer of your personal data in a structured format, commonly used, readable by a specific device, so that it can be transferred directly to another administrator, if it is technically feasible possible. You also have the right to withdraw your Consent at any time without giving any justification. Remember, however, that your withdrawal of Consent does not affect the lawfulness of the previous processing – all actions taken on the basis of your Consent remain legal despite its subsequent withdrawal.

5.3. If the processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

5.4. To exercise your rights, write to:

5.5. We kindly inform you that we may refuse to delete your personal data in particularly justified cases, e.g. when we are under an obligation to retain your data imposed by Polish or EU law or when it is required to establish, pursue or defend our claims.


6.1. Providing your personal data is voluntary, but sometimes necessary to achieve the assumed goals.
6.2. To contact the Administrator via the Website, you must provide your e-mail address and name, without which it is not possible to contact you.


7.1. We kindly inform you that the recipient of your personal data is BT Electronics sp. z o. o.
7.2. In addition, it is possible that the recipients of your Personal Data under the provisions of Polish or EU law are other public or private entities, but each time it is based on a specific, properly documented and justified request from those entities that we verify.


8.1. Your personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
However, if you contact our Profile placed on the Facebook social network, your personal data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.
In these countries, the GDPR does not apply, so the transfer of Personal Data involves some risk. In the interest of your safety, however, we would like to inform you that this data is only sent to countries that have joined the Privacy Shield program (more: -outside-eu/eu-us-privacy-shield_pl).
8.2. You have the right to obtain a copy of Data transferred to a third country.


If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy or the operation of cookies, please write an e-mail to the following address: bte@dczaja


Using the Website, whose administrator is BT Electronics sp. z o. o. (NIP: 676-207-24-61), is tantamount to acceptance of the Cookie Policy below.

BT Electronics sp. z o. o. respects the right to privacy of Users using our Website, applies appropriate technological solutions that prevent third parties from interfering with Users’ privacy. This policy contains basic information on the use of cookies on our Website.


The website uses cookies (so-called “cookies”). Cookies are IT data (usually in the form of text files) that are stored in the User’s end device so that they can be read again each time they connect to the Website from this end device. Cookies are set when “entering” and “exiting” the Website, they are not used to determine the identity of Users, nor do they affect the operation of the end device, its software, or have a negative impact on its functioning.

Cookies are used to:

a) optimization of views;

b) confirmation of statistics regarding the Website;

c) enabling the User to log in to the Website and maintain the so-called session, thanks to which it is not necessary to log in again on each subpage of the Website;

d) confirmation that a message regarding cookies has been displayed to the Website User

e) recognizing the User’s end device in order to display the Website in the mobile version, if the User uses a mobile device (e.g. smartphone)

f) researching the preferences of Website Users in order to adjust our products and services and their presentation on the website in a manner corresponding to these preferences.

The Website uses the so-called. “own” cookies (they are placed and accessed by BT Electronics sp. z o. o.) and the so-called “external” cookies (they are placed by third parties). More information on what cookies are can be found at htpp:// (in Polish) and (in English).

Determining the conditions of storage and access to information contained in cookies.

Users can specify the conditions for storing and accessing cookies using the settings of their web browser. As a rule, individual browsers give the possibility of completely or partially disabling the possibility of storing cookies on the User’s device. Total or partial disabling of the possibility of storing cookies on the User’s device may result in not all applications of our Website working properly and in unavailability of selected tabs. Information on cookie settings, including the functions of disabling the possibility of storing cookies on the device, can be found in the “options”, “settings”, “preferences” of the web browser used. In case of doubt or in order to obtain detailed information, please use the “help” option of your browser.

Consent to store cookies.

Storing cookies and accessing them requires the User’s consent. Such consent may be expressed through the web browser settings. Setting the web browser in a way that allows the use of cookies by the Website means the User’s consent to the use of cookies. If the User wants to withdraw consent to the storage of cookies on his device, he can do so by removing the installed cookies himself by appropriately using the settings of the browser used. Please be advised that limiting the use of cookies may prevent the proper functioning of the Website.

This Policy does not apply to other websites and companies whose contact details are provided on the Website. If the Website contains links to other websites, the Company stipulates that it is not responsible for the policy applied by the owners of these domains and websites.

2024 © bt electronics sp. z o.o.